Tragacanth Quality - DaryabSofe

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Tragacanth Category 1
  • Premium twisted Tragant
    • Early harvested
    • Hand selected
    • White in color
    • Helical

          Tragacanth Category 2

          • Premium twisted Tragant
          • Early harvested
          • Hand selected
          • Alasbaster white in color
          • Helical

          Tragacanth Category 3

          • Premium Tragant
          • Late harvested
          • Hand selected
          • Yellow-white in color
          • Not Helical
          Tragacanth Category 4

          • Premium Tragant
          • Late harvested
          • Hand selected
          • Yellow in color
          • Not Helical
          Tragacanth Category 5

          • Premium Tragant
          • Late harvested
          • Hand selected
          • Amber in color
          • Not Helical
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